How the USA would win the Obesity Olympics

How the USA would win the Obesity Olympics

If there ever was an Obesity Olympics, the USA would most certainly win the gold medal. But not in a good way. It wouldn’t be the same gold medal claimed by superstars like swimmer Michael Phelps, sharpshooter Kim Rhode, or gymnast Jordyn Wieber.  The USA would win the gold medal for being the most obese country in the world.  Mexico would claim the silver medal, and the UK would get bronze.

An artistic chart published by Wellington Grey shows the rate of obesity per country of residents older than 15. And the results aren’t encouraging. The chart reports that 31% of Americans older than 15 are considered obese, or possess a BMI of 30 or higher. Twenty-four percent of Mexico’s population over 15 is considered obese, as is 23% of the UK’s.

Inversely, the countries with the best obesity rates, Korea, Japan, and Norway of 3%, 3%, and 8% respectively fall toward the end of the pack, and are considered the healthiest of the group.

How the USA would win the Obesity Olympics

Obesity rates in America have been the highest in the world for quite some time now. Between the mid 1980s and today, obesity, quadrupled among adult Americans, going from affecting 1 in 200 Americans, to 1 in 50. Trends in children and teens aren’t too far behind.

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