Medical & Healthcare Educational Videos

Medical Educational Videos

Easily educate and engage with online medical educational videos, so more leads convert to patients.

Light Bulbs With A Question Mark

Today’s Problem:

It is so difficult to stay in touch with your patient base and keep them engaged on an ongoing basis. You’re only able to educate your patients when they come to see you in clinic. Oftentimes, this may take away from those who really need critical care services or from booking more new patient appointments.


It’s particularly difficult to manage long-term patient education when multiple steps of care are required.

How can you effectively tie patient education and patient engagement together with your patient’s current step of care?

Light Bulb With Rays Of Light

Our Solutions:

Americans watch approximately 40 billion online videos each month. Video is the mainstream education method because it holds people’s attention, and it can be watched over and over to help with retention. Watching a medical or healthcare educational video is much more engaging than reading a clinical white paper. Simply put, video informs, makes an impression, and is the most effective means of patient engagement.


With that said, not every medical video online is effective. There are lots of medical educational videos out there that are not impactful, resulting in leads clicking off and moving on to another program. Sequence Health’s compelling videos will resonate with your online marketing leads so more leads will convert to patients. Healthcare video marketing is extremely effective when you have the right videos in place.

We also create medical videos geared toward maintaining ongoing communications and education with your patients through every step of their care pathway.

With your medical video education process, you now have the ability to present current and relevant video-centric information to your patients based on their specific step of care and their associated treatment plan.

Patient education made easy. Instead of traveling to your office for a class or having to read patient manuals, patients can watch an interesting healthcare educational video and hear directly from team members, as well as patients who have come before them.

Videos released at each step of care, not only educate your patients, but continue to engage them resulting in less patient drop off before treatment is completed.

Learn more about our full Video Production Services.

FAQs About Medical & Healthcare Educational Videos

First, you need to have something to talk about. Then, you want to choose a person (preferably a physician) to speak on the subject. Prepare a script that discusses the subject in enough detail to cover the necessary info, but using simple terms that anyone can understand.

Educational videos should generally remain pretty short, under 5 minutes. The time should be enough to explain the core concept and how it can affect the viewer. However, long form video content is becoming more popular and could be used for educational content.

For healthcare businesses, the goal is to help your patients and your prospects understand what they’re dealing with, and to do it in an empathetic and caring way. Educational video has the ability to do so in a way that text articles simply cannot.

Depending on what you need us to do, the cost will vary. We can provide the scripts, the voice overs, the video production, and more! If you want a quote, simply call us at 888.986.3638.