Bundled Payments and CJR Among Key Topics of Interest at ACPM’s 2017 Orthopedic Value Based Care Conference

This week, Sequence Health founder Rich Rosenzweig and I will be making a cross-country journey to the West Coast to represent Sequence Health as an exhibitor at the American College of Perioperative Medicine’s Interdisciplinary Conference on Orthopedic Value Based Care in Newport Beach, California, on January 21–22.
As one might expect, our primary objective as an exhibitor at healthcare conferences is to create awareness about our company and its patient management software and medical call center. However, we also attend these events for the same reasons as the healthcare professionals, which is to engage and learn. This is essential for us to have the expertise for developing our core services—the Sequence patient management platform and our medical call center—and to meet the constantly evolving needs of our customers.
[tweet “We attend for the same reasons as the healthcare professionals: to engage and learn.”].
With that in mind, prior to attending these conferences, various departments within our company will examine the agendas for lectures and presentations that best relate best to our objectives. The very robust ACPM agenda—which includes three tracks, 21 speakers and 39 topic in just two days—features several highly relevant topics, especially for anybody that follows our blog and is aware of our interest in these concepts.
Top Bundled Payments Topics
Our Director of Marketing and Creative Kris Altiere is eager for us to learn more about bundled payments, which was recently discussed in our blog, BPCI Initiative Year 2 Lessons Learned.
Kris identified four excellent bundled payments topics that will be explored at ACPM:
• The Bundle Payment Health Care Environment, Recent, Current, Future (Kevin J. Bozic, MD, MBA | Saturday, Jan. 21 from 8–8.40 a.m.)
• Perioperative Surgical Home & Enhanced Recovery in the World of MACRA/MIPS & Value Care World (Zeev Kain, M.D., MBA | Saturday, Jan. 21 from 8.40–9.20 a.m.)
• Understanding Post-Acute Care in the World of Bundling (Kelly C. Price | Sunday, Jan. 22 from 8.45–9.30 a.m.)
• Bundle Payment: The Orthopedic Surgeon View (James D. Slover, MD, MS | Sunday, Jan. 22 from 10.20–10.50 a.m.)
She is particularly enthused about the last topic because of its valuable insight into how orthopedic surgeons are responding to the bundled payments model.
[tweet “Valuable insight into how orthopedic surgeons are responding to the bundled payments model.”]
Top CJR Topics
Comprehensive joint replacement (CJR) has become a focus of interest for us we are routinely fine-tuning the Sequence platform for orthopedic hospitals and clinics so that they can improve outcomes and reduce costs. In fact, we also recently wrote a blog that discussed this very concept, How are MACRA and CJR Connected?
[tweet “…for orthopedic hospitals and clinics so that they can improve outcomes and reduce costs.”]
Naturally, we are keen to learn as much as we can from these four CJR topics:
• Fundamentals of the CJR Rule & Coming Bundles (Kelly C. Price | Saturday, Jan. 21 from 1.45–2.15 p.m.)
• Using Data to Develop CJR Strategies: 5 Steps to Take Now (Jonathan W. Pearce, CPA, FHFMA | Saturday, Jan. 21 from 1.45–2.15 p.m.
• Implementing CJR: Have You Taken the Steps? (David Janiec | Saturday, Jan. 21 from 3.35–4.05 p.m.)
• Performing in CJR: What to do Next (David Janiec | Sunday, Jan. 22 from 1.15–1.45 p.m.)
The third topic is of particular interest because we promote our capabilities in guiding orthopedic facilities to implement CJR.
John Richmond is Sequence Health’s CEO. Please let us know if you’d like to schedule some time to meet with him or Rich at ACPM’s conference to learn more about our solutions for orthopedic patien