Our Doors Are Open For Patients All The Time

Our Doors Are Open For Patients All The Time

Although the calendar says there’s three more weeks of summer remaining, the unofficial end of the season is looming for most, as Monday is Labor Day.

Like several people, you are probably hitting the road this holiday weekend, trying to cram in that last family vacation before the kids go back to school. Perhaps it is heading to the beach or lake or perhaps checking out a baseball game or a road trip to catch your alma mater kick off the college football season.

While you are away from the office, your patients’ problems are not taking a vacation. Mrs. Smith is concerned about an upcoming procedure; Mr. Jones has questions about a new medication, and Mrs. Jones can’t make her scheduled appointment for the following Tuesday and needs to reschedule. Another patient will take her last prescribed pill at 6:30 p.m., on Friday and realize she doesn’t have anymore refills.

What are they supposed to do? Try calling your practice and leaving a message, hoping one of your employees may happen to swing by the office on his or her free time? Try calling you directly while you are enjoying a little R&R with the family and away from the rigors of your practice?

By implementing MDnetSolutions patient management solutions, your patients stay connected to your practice. Whether you are hiking in the Rockies or fishing in the Florida Keys, your patients can reach your practice.

When you put MDnetSolutions full-service, boutique medical call center to work for your practice, we become an extension of your staff. Just like your receptionists, our staff exercises sympathy and compassion when speaking with your valued patients.

When a panicked mother, concerned about her child, reaches out to your practice, the last thing she wants to hear is a recording telling her to leave a message. With our patient management solution, that same mother talks with a real, live person on the other end of the line. Our staff offers sound medical advice and acts as a calming influence.

With MDnetSolutions medical call center and our 24/7 NurseLine, staffed by registered nurses, your patients are able to connect and be engaged with your practice around the clock.

So while you are working on your tan, perfecting your short game or cheering your favorite team to victory this weekend, be rest assured your patients are getting optimum medical advice and are able to get prescription refills and reschedule Tuesday’s appointment.

If your practice has partnered with MDnetSolutions, kick back and enjoy the long weekend, knowing your patients are in good hands.

If you haven’t made the call to us yet, imagine how many phone calls and potential new patients your practice is missing while your doors are closed.

When teaming with MDnetSolutions, your practice becomes more patient-friendly because we never take a day off and are fully engaged with your patients.

Check us out at www.mdnetsolutions.com and schedule a demo today.