Healthcare Tweet Chats Allow You Talk About Your Specialty

Communication is of upmost importance to the healthcare industry. Not only is communicating with patients and colleagues significant, but also with peers in your specialty.
Recently, tweet chats have emerged as a great venue to communicate with other providers within — or people generally interested in — your discipline.
Tweet chats are discussions hosted through Twitter based on tweets that include hashtags, or keywords with a“#” in front of them. Placing a “#” in front of keywords allows them to be clicked on, or searched, and associated with other tweets that have that same hashtag or discuss the same thing. For example, if I’m tweeting about a new medical procedure and I want other providers who may be looking for the same information – or other people talking about that new procedure — to see my tweet, I may use the hashtag #medicalprocedure. (Just remember when adding a hashtag that you’re only allowed 140 characters!)
Healthcare tweet chat topics span a wide range of specialties. From end of life care (#EOLchat), to healthcare education (#MedEd), care giving (#charechat), breast cancer (#BCSM), weight loss surgery (#wls), and postpartum depression (#PPDchat). What makes healthcare tweet chats great is that it allows for a community to come together and, at their leisure, engage in conversation about a topic important to them.
Not only are tweet chats great for sharing information, but also to get the word out about your practice or your specialty. Participating in a tweet chat allows you to spread your wealth of knowledge and link to your website or promote your services in a controlled, targeted environment.
View this simple healthcare tweet chat calendar to find a tweet chat for your practice to participate in.
Make sure you visit our website to read more about the best ways to use Twitter as a healthcare provider, and the social media services we offer to practices, including Twitter. Or give us a call at 888-986-3638.