Help I Need a Doctor

Help I Need a Doctor

This is part one of a series

Imagine this scenario.

Jason is a 43-year-old businessman who is still trying to relive his glory days on the basketball court. Unfortunately Jason’s body is not the same as it was a quarter century ago when he was an all-region point guard during his senior year of high school.

Driving to the basket for a layup in an adult, church-league, pickup game last week, Jason landed awkwardly and crumpled to the ground. Pain ensued as he immediately grabbed his right ankle. Like many, Jason avoids the doctor at all costs and doesn’t have a primary care physician.

Unable to put weight on hs ankle and realizing the swelling and discoloration were not going away anytime soon, Jason broke down and went to urgent care where X-rays revealed the weekend warrior’s worst fear — a broken ankle that will require surgery. Like most Gen Xers, Jason is savvy and self-reliant. Knowing he needs surgery, Jason goes to the Internet to research orthopedic surgeons in his area.

Having typed, “needing ankle surgery …” in a Google search, Jason receives more than 330,000 posts regarding ankle surgery, including podiatry centers and orthopedic surgeons in his immediate area.

Where would your practice appear in Jason’s search? Would you pop up on the first page or be buried on the 28th page of search results, never garnering a click much less a new patient?

At MDnetSolutions, we can retool your existing website or build you an entirely new one. Combine this with our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-per-click (PPO) marketing strategies, we can get your practice noticed by patients — like Jason — searching the Internet for healthcare services your practice provides.

According to the Pew Internet Research Project, 77 percent of prospective patients said they used search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo to get information for healthcare services. Another 13 percent of prospective patients began their search on a site specializing in health information.

This reiterates the fact an informative, eye-catching website is paramount for the success of any healthcare practice. However, if you stop at just a website, your digital marketing strategy is not reaching its full potential.

Teaming with MDnetSolutions can enhance your visibility on the Internet. We focus your online marketing strategy by using high volume, relevant keywords targeted to the geographical outreach of your organization, meaning if you are a community practice, we will market to your surrounding area. This makes sure the correct targeted audience is seeing your message, increasing the liklihood these potentials will become your patients.

Without SEO and PPC, which works hand-in-hand with SEO to earn your website top placement in search rankings and is a reliable way to ensure your website appears at the top of search engine results, your practice is not maximizing its visibility. A good looking website is one thing, but no SEO or PPC strategy is like having Michael Jordan on the bench with the game on the line in Game 7 of the NBA Finals or not letting Wayne Gretzky take a penalty shot during the Stanley Cup.

As Mr. Spock would say, “Highly illogical”.

Be logical and connect with MDnetSolutions today. Let our solutions be your solutions. Click to learn more and schedule a demonstration.

Check back next week as we continue the trials of Jason and learn more about how MDnetSolutions can help your practice attract new patients and stay engaged with existing patients.