Hospital Marketing Strategies For 2021

Hospital Marketing Strategies For 2021

Hospital marketing strategies have changed a great deal since the start of the digital age. In the past, the focus was on traditional media and strong referral partnerships. Although referral partnerships are still extremely important, digital media has overtaken traditional media as the most important marketing consideration for businesses.

We now live in a world marred by the COVID-19 pandemic and our reliance on our digital presence has become much greater. So what kind of hospital marketing strategies and ideas work well in 2021? Let’s dive into what medical marketing strategies still work.

Digital Marketing Strategy & Ideas For Hospitals That Work in 2021

Healthcare SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Search engine optimization is nowhere near dead yet, despite what some “experts” will have you believe. After all, we all use search engines to help us find what we’re looking for. What these “experts” mean is that SEO has become much more competitive in recent years.

You can break the mold by creating high-quality content, making sure your website is well optimized, and by making connections with other websites that will include links back to your website.

Content Marketing With An Emphasis On Video

Content is king on the Internet, and it’s very likely that due to the pandemic, people are consuming online content more than ever. Use this to your advantage! Put out articles regularly and make sure they’re shared on social media.

Video content, however, is where your practice can stand out from the rest. By creating informative and enjoyable content for the Internet, you can position yourself as an authority while also helping your online presence grow.

Online Reputation Management

Your online reputation is such an important part of your online presence because it’s been shown that customers trust reviews. The general assumption is that online reviews are more trustworthy than marketing material, and because of this, prospective patients will use reviews to decide whether or not they want to work with you.

To manage your online reputation, you’ll need to see what people are saying about you. What you’ll also need to do is ask your patients for reviews as a normal part of your processes. By doing this, you can get honest feedback from your patients that can then be used to help other prospects decide whether or not they should trust your practice.

Data-Driven Decision Making

There are a lot of different strategies and tactics you can use to help grow your practice. However, not all of them will work equally well. It’s important to make sure that you’re collecting the necessary data in order to make better marketing decisions.

Collecting data on web traffic, traffic sources, search rankings, appointment scheduling rates, and appointment show rates will help you understand where your customers are coming from and what behaviors and actions they’re taking on your website. Use this data to decide where your marketing dollars will go for next year.

Sequence Health provides patient engagement solutions, as well as healthcare marketing solutions such as healthcare advertising and healthcare SEO.