Meet New Core Standards for MBSAQIP Accreditation with Solutions from Sequence Health

The Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP) released version 2.0 of their Bariatric Accreditation Standards as of October 1, 2016. These standards set the core benchmarks critical for achieving success as a bariatric surgery center. Whether you are one of the 700 previously-accredited facilities, you’re working toward becoming accredited, or you’re simply striving to provide the highest quality care, newly released updates to these core standards should affect how your facility is managing patients and processes. Studies show facilities meeting these standards greatly reduce the risk of serious post-discharge complications, including mortality.
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View the Updates: 9 standards now defined by MBSAQIP:
1. Case volume, patient selection, and approved procedures by designation level
2. Commitment to quality care
3. Appropriate equipment and instruments to care for at-risk patients with special needs
4. Critical care support
5. Continuum of care
6. Data collection
7. Continuous quality improvement
8. Ambulatory Surgery Centers
9. Adolescent care
Let’s take a look at some of the highlights of version 2.0 including the addition of new definitions and clarification throughout the document that are meant to ensure consistent interpretation of the following updates:
You will notice some newly recognized categories, including Ambulatory Surgery Centers and Adolescent Care. You can visit the MBSAQIP website for more information about those newly identified standards including the addition of Ambulatory Surgery Center as a designation and removal of Band Center designation. Most significantly, accreditation for Ambulatory Surgery Centers is separate from the fully accredited inpatient metabolic and bariatric comprehensive and low acuity centers and requires partnership with an inpatient MBSAQIP-accredited center to ensure continuum of care. This new designation requires compliance with standards 1-7 in addition to the new Standard 8 requirements specifically defined for Ambulatory Surgery Centers.
Perioperative Care Pathways are required by MBSAQIP to close the loop, using data to identify opportunities for Quality Improvement and Process Improvement initiatives. Each accredited facility is required to identify and implement strategies for continuous improvement. Redefined guidance for data-driven Quality Improvement and Process Improvement initiatives.
[Meet New Core Standards for MBSAQIP Accreditation with Solutions from Sequence Health]
Discover how Sequence allows you to optimize the patient experience throughout the care continuum. The platform allows you to define configurable care pathways according to your steps of care. Data and analytics viewed through the Sequence reporting feature let you identify where improvements can be made. The Sequence Care Transition feature provides post-operative follow-up engagements to identify and manage patients at risk for adverse reactions within the required 30-day and long term follow-up periods.
Sequence Health is your solution for achieving success in your bariatric program.
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