Get Your Patients to Use the Patient Portal by These Promotion Tricks

Get Your Patients to Use the Patient Portal by These Promotion Tricks

If you’re a healthcare provider, then you know that a patient portal is a valuable tool for your patients. It allows them to access their medical information from anywhere at any time. However, many patients are not using the patient portal. This is because they don’t know about it or they don’t understand how it can benefit them. In this blog post, we will discuss some tricks for how to promote your patient portal that you can use to get your patients to start using yours!

Promote It in Office With Posters and Brochures

One way to promote the patient portal is by having posters and brochures in your office. This will let patients know that the patient portal exists and how they can benefit from it. You can also have a staff member explain the benefits of the patient portal to patients when they come into the office.

Bring it Up During Your Consultations

Another way to promote the patient portal is by bringing it up during your consultations with patients. You can explain to them how the patient portal can help them stay on top of their health and make sure that they’re always up-to-date on their medical information.

Link to It in Your Email Blasts

If you send email blasts to your patients, make sure to include a link to the patient portal. This will allow patients to easily access the portal and start using it.

Let Patients Register for the Portal In-Office

One way to promote your patient portal is by letting patients register for the portal in your office. This will make it easy for them to get started with using the patient portal and they’ll be more likely to use it if they don’t have to do it on their own.

Feature Your Portal on Your Website

Make sure to feature your patient portal on your website! This will let patients know that it exists and how they can benefit from using it. You can even include a link to the patient portal on your website so that patients can easily access it.

By following these tips, you can promote the patient portal and get more patients to start using it. The patient portal is a valuable tool that can help patients stay on top of their health and make sure that they’re always up-to-date on their medical information.