The Right Balance: Technology and Patient Care

Technology has infiltrated all aspects of our lives. In the healthcare sector, technology has been a significant game-changer. It has helped improve patient care and safety while reducing costs.
However, there is a fine line between using information technology to improve patient care and using it in a way that hurts patients. To maintain the right balance, healthcare organizations need to be thoughtful about the way they
Patient retention is a huge challenge for healthcare organizations. Using the right technology can help keep their patients happy and engaged.
Read more: What Is Patient Retention and Why Does It Matter for Your Practice?
Here are some reasons to maintain the perfect balance of technology and patient care:
1) It Helps You Understand Your Patients Better
With technology at your fingertips, you can quickly access a patient’s complete medical history in seconds. This gives you more time to focus on developing a rapport with the patient during consultations.
Moreover, much electronic health record (EHR) systems now have features that allow you to gather relevant information about a patient’s condition. This can be useful if you are trying to explain a diagnosis or treatment plan.
2) You Can Use It To Keep Track of Their Medical Records
Healthcare technology has transformed the way patient medical records are stored and accessed. In the past, patient medical records were often kept in paper files that were difficult to keep track of. With electronic health records (EHRs), healthcare providers can easily access patient medical records. This allows for coordination of care and improved communication between healthcare providers and patients.
EHRs also make it easier for healthcare providers to track their patients’ progress. By tracking important health metrics, such as blood pressure and weight, healthcare providers can more easily identify when a patient’s condition is worsening. This allows for earlier intervention and improved outcomes.
3) It Can Help You Improve Communication With Your Patients
With the advent of new technologies, patients are now more empowered than ever. They have access to an unprecedented amount of information at their fingertips, and they are no longer afraid to ask questions or demand answers.
For example, chronic care patients can now track their vital signs and send them directly to their care team via secure portals or apps. This saves time and money and gives patients greater control over their health and well-being. In addition, this open communication can help build trust between patients and providers.
4) You Can Use It To Provide Better Customer Service
When you have the right tools, you can use technology in nursing to your advantage and provide better customer service. Automating tasks will free up time for your staff to focus on more critical tasks. In addition, by using data analytics, you can identify patterns and trends that can help you improve your services.
For example, nurses can use data analytics to track patient satisfaction rates. If you see a decline in satisfaction, you can take steps to improve the quality of care.
You can use technology to improve communication with patients. By using appointment reminders, you can help reduce no-shows.
Check the patient tracking system by Sequence Health for improving patient flow and access to care. Our care coordinators increase patient engagement with technology like our web portal and care management software.