Sequence Health will be a participating vendor at the Healthcare IT Institute 2016 event to be held June 5 through June 7 in Tucson, Arizona. This year’s focus is, “leveraging IT, data and connectivity to boost patient engagement across the continuum of care.” This opportunity will mark the company’s debut as Sequence Health after rebranding the platform, products and services offered by the former MDnetSolutions.
“We are excited to have this valuable opportunity to discuss industry trends and learn the needs and objectives of organizations across the country through the one-on-one discussions offered at the Institute. It will allow us to showcase Sequence Health as a healthcare IT company as we participate in educational and networking events with some of the industry’s top executives,” says Senior Vice President Brian Anderson.
Highlights include a series of one-on-one discussion opportunities where healthcare executives are paired with representatives from participating vendors in 30 minute sessions. Also featured are educational seminars and Think Tank discussions. Keynote speakers include:
Shafiq Rab, VP, IT & CIO, Hackensack UMC (NJ)
Michael Pfeffer, CIO, UCLA Health System (CA)
Bruce Metz, SVP & CIO, Lahey Health (MA)
Look for representatives from Sequence Health during this year’s HEALTHCARE IT INSTITUTE 2016.
About Sequence Health
Headquartered in Alpharetta, Georgia, Sequence Health is a performance-optimizing healthcare technology and service company whose focus is on helping bridge the communication, education and participation gaps within the patient-provider relationship. Sequence Health offers an intuitive patient engagement and care management SaaS platform supported by a full staff of clinical and non-clinical professionals skilled at keeping patients engaged throughout their steps of care.
To learn more about Sequence Health’s services, please contact us at 888.986.3638 or contact us online.