Sequence Health Reflects on ObesityWeek 2016 Exhibition

Sequence Health Reflects on ObesityWeek 2016 Exhibition

It’s the end of November, which means that we’re once again returning from ObesityWeek, much as we have done for the past several years where we’ve attended as exhibitors! Although each one is special for us, this year’s ObesityWeek 2016 in New Orleans will be remembered for it being our first time attending as Sequence Health.

Sequence Health Reflects on ObesityWeek 2016 ExhibitionPreviously, we had attended under our former moniker MDnetSolutions at numerous ObesityWeek events, including ObesityWeek 2015 in Los Angeles, ObesityWeek2014 in Boston and ObesityWeek2013 in Atlanta.

As always, we had a wonderful time at ObesityWeek. Professionally speaking, we were very appreciative for the overwhelmingly positive feedback after debuting our improved Sequence patient relationship management platform and support services. We also were grateful for opportunities to engage with customers and to learn more about how their bariatric hospitals are responding to the innovations, advancements and changes in obesity surgery, prevention, research and public policy.

Were you able to make it to New Orleans for ObesityWeek 2016—and if so, were you one of the hundreds of attendees that got to spend time with us at our booth or elsewhere at the event?

If you were able to visit us, you probably remember that we held a drawing for two free Fitbit Charge giveaways, which helped make a visit to our booth a little more exciting for all…and especially the winners (congrats again!).

Of course, it wasn’t all work and no play for Sequence Health at ObesityWeek 2016! After spending time on the exhibitor floor each day, we were able to explore incredibly unique city of New Orleans, which is something you also hopefully got to do in-between Obesity Week 2016 seminars and other events you attended.

Don’t Forget to Claim Your ObesityWeek 2016 Credits!

Like us, you probably returned from ObesityWeek 2016 and immediately returned to your regular routines at home and work. However, we want to remind you that if you haven’t already, please be sure to claim your credits for courses at ObesityWeek 2016.

If you would like to learn more about Sequence, our new patient relationship management platform that helps bariatric facilities improve volume growth, efficiency gains, and better patient outcomes, please contact us.